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components stress中文是什么意思

用"components stress"造句"components stress"怎么读"components stress" in a sentence


  • 分应力


  • The linux kernel components stressed with this benchmark include the scheduler , signals , and tcp ip
    该基准测试程序所着重的linux内核组件包括调度程序、信号和tcp / ip 。
  • This section includes a description of the bottlenecks used and associated kernel components stressed by the benchmarks used in our suite
  • After selecting the elastic component shape suitable for the structure of the machine tool , elementary design is implemented for two kinds of component material : 40crnimn & ly12 . then the analyse of the elastic component stress and strain is completed , and the check of the component age limit and strength follows
    本文对弹性元件进行了选型和设计,根据机床结构要求确定了弹性元件的形式后,针对两种常用的弹性元件材料( 40crnimn和ly12 )进行了初步设计,然后对弹性元件进行应力应变分析,并对弹性元件进行了强度和寿命校验。
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